Notepan's playback functionality allows you to play tablatures with audio and animations. You can control the playback from the toolbar.
Play / Pause
Start / Stop the player mode. It plays the tablature from the selected cell until the end. To play only a specific section, select the desired part (left click and drag to select a range) then press Play.
Keyboard shortcut: Space
Adjust the speed of the playback.
Keyboard shortcut: use +
and -
during the playback to respectively increase or decrease the speed
When enabled, the tablature repeats from the start when it reaches the end. If a specific section is selected, it loops only this section.
Keyboard shortcut: F7
Count in
When enabled, you will hear a 4 beats countdown before the playback starts. It gives you time to get into position if you want to play along.
Keyboard shortcut: F8
When enabled, adds a metronome track on top of the tablature.
Keyboard shortcut: F9
Playback settings
The last button ⋮
opens a settings panel where you can adjust the volume of the metronome, the sound of the metronome, the countdown's duration (from 1 to 12 beats) and whether the countdown should happen on each loop or only on the first one.